Happy Friday

7 Sep

Can you believe it is Friday already?!  Time is just flying by!  What are your plans for the weekend?  Some of my fabulous college friends are going to be in Eugene, OR for a wedding so I get to see them for a little bit – and I am so excited!  It is always fun to see friends who live far away and you don’t get the privilege of seeing them very often.

The above picture is of my two sisters and me at my cousin’s wedding in Washington last weekend.  I deeply love and cherish my sisters and it was so wonderful being able to spend some time with them over the weekend.  My sister, Joanna, was my dance party at the wedding since Jonathan was still in Portland for work.  And what a fabulous dance partner she was!   I already can’t wait for the next cousin wedding (in 4 weeks!) to get back out on the dance floor again.  Sometimes it is just so therapeutic to dance.

I am so thankful for my sisters and don’t know what I would do without them.  Their friendship means the world to me and I am so grateful for their presence in my life.  Thank you Holly and Joanna for being amazing!  I love you guys!  Cheers to sisters!

Happy Friday!

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