Instagrams No. 1

4 Mar

Good morning friends!  How was your weekend?  We had a blast up in Portland on Saturday.  We decided to head back to our old stomping grounds and revisit Mississippi Ave.  It proved to be as fabulous as ever, and we had a blast!  Today I thought I would post a few instagram photos from the past couple weeks since I have been so absent lately!
instagrams 1

Top left: My endless amounts of homework which included constructing a paper robot.  Top right: On one of our many trips to Portland (it feels like we are there every weekend!) we checked out a super yummy food truck called Fried Egg I’m In Love.  Bottom left:  My cutie pie nephew when we went to Tri-Cities to visit family.  Bottom right: I took this picture yesterday because the rare sun decided to make an appearance so I couldn’t help to roll up my pants and sit in the sunshine.

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