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Etsy Shop

6 Oct

White Christmas 2Can you believe it is already holiday card season again?!  Time is just flying by!  Today I added a few printable holiday cards back into my Etsy Shop.  I just added a few of my favorites from past years but I hope to design some new ones as well!

The above Christmas card is one of my favorites from a few years back.  It isn’t very traditional but I just love the modern lines and color!  If you would like to visit my shop you can click here.

* Photo by Kristen Marie Photography

Happy Valentine’s Day

14 Feb




More Exciting News!

12 Sep

heart sparkler 2Ok, now for the second piece of exciting news — I accepted a position as the in-house graphic designer for a stationery and paper company this last week!

Life has been quite a whirlwind the past couple weeks, as everything has happened really fast!  I accepted the job one day, and my first day was the next!

The company is called Broadway Paper, and they are located in downtown Milwaukee in the Third Ward.  Broadway Paper is a locally owned paper store that sells beautiful paper products and custom wedding invitations.  I am honored that I get to be a part of this fabulous company!

(image, via)